While I was at college, one day it was my turn to give a talk at the morning assembly. A twenty minute talk. I was totally out of ideas when one of my professors gave me this book...Jonathan Livingston Seagull. The whole night I sat in the second floor quadrangle and read this book. At the end of which, I felt as light as a bird soaring in the sky. I had the material for my talk.
With my first salary, this was the first book that I had purchased. Since then, I have gifted it away. The book continues to inspire me and these lines today are also inspired by the same!
"Patience, but for how long?"
Asked the soul in ignorance.
To which the almighty
Smiled with compassion.
"Trust me", He said,
And gave the wings
To fly high and far away
with the accompanying winds.
The soul then forgot,
The pangs of separation and guilt,
As it embarked on a flight
That would have no limits.